Source code for padatious.intent_container

# Copyright 2017 Mycroft AI, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import multiprocessing as mp
from os import mkdir
from os.path import join, isfile, isdir

from padatious.intent import Intent
from padatious.train_data import TrainData
from padatious.util import lines_hash, tokenize

def _train_and_save(intent, cache, data, print_updates):
    """Internal pickleable function used to train intents in another process"""
    if print_updates:
        print('Regenerated ' + + '.')

[docs]class IntentContainer(object): """ Creates an IntentContainer object used to load and match intents Args: cache_dir (str): Place to put all saved neural networks """ def __init__(self, cache_dir): self.cache = cache_dir self.intents = [] self.train_data = TrainData()
[docs] def add_intent(self, name, lines, reload_cache=False): """ Creates a new intent, optionally checking the cache first Args: name (str): The associated name of the intent lines (list<str>): All the sentences that should activate the intent reload_cache: Whether to ignore cached intent if exists """ hash_fn = join(self.cache, name + '.hash') old_hsh = None if isfile(hash_fn): with open(hash_fn, 'rb') as g: old_hsh = new_hsh = lines_hash(lines) if reload_cache or old_hsh != new_hsh: self.intents.append(Intent(name, new_hsh)) else: self.intents.append(Intent.from_disk(name, self.cache)) self.train_data.add_lines(name, lines)
[docs] def load_file(self, name, file_name, reload_cache=False): """ Loads an intent, optionally checking the cache first Args: name (str): The associated name of the intent file_name (str): The location of the intent file reload_cache (bool): Whether to ignore cached intent if exists """ with open(file_name, 'r') as f: self.add_intent(name, f.readlines())
[docs] def train(self, print_updates=True, single_thread=False): """ Trains all the loaded intents that need to be updated If a cache file exists with the same hash as the intent file, the intent will not be trained and just loaded from file Args: print_updates (bool): Whether to print a message to stdout each time a new intent is trained single_thread (bool): Whether to force running in a single thread """ if not isdir(self.cache): mkdir(self.cache) def args(i): return i, self.cache, self.train_data, print_updates if single_thread: for i in self.intents: _train_and_save(*args(i)) else: # Train in multiple processes to disk pool = mp.Pool() try: results = [ pool.apply_async(_train_and_save, args(i)) for i in self.intents if not i.is_loaded ] for i in results: i.get() finally: pool.close() # Load saved intents from disk for i, intent in enumerate(self.intents): if not intent.is_loaded: self.intents[i] = Intent.from_disk(, self.cache)
[docs] def calc_intents(self, query): """ Tests all the intents against the query and returns data on how well each one matched against the query Args: query (str): Input sentence to test against intents Returns: list<MatchData>: List of intent matches See calc_intent() for a description of the returned MatchData """ sent = tokenize(query) matches = [] for i in self.intents: match = i.match(sent) match.detokenize() matches.append(match) return matches
[docs] def calc_intent(self, query): """ Tests all the intents against the query and returns match data of the best intent Args: query (str): Input sentence to test against intents Returns: MatchData: Best intent match """ matches = self.calc_intents(query) return max(matches, key=lambda x: x.conf)